Random things about me

Name one person who made you laugh last night? My husband

What were you doing at 8:00 PM? Returning from a quick dinner/grocery trip to Whole Foods

What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Speaking to an American Airlines agent trying to upgrade us using miles for our trip to Italy this summer

What happened to you in 2006? 2006??? Jeez. I got engaged. I got certified to teach yoga. I took some an online writing class. I got promoted. I started to plan a wedding. I moved from an apartment to a house. I went to Mexico with friends. I grew up a little.

What was the last thing you said out loud? I don't get it.

How many beverages did you have today?
2 bottles of water, 1 cup of english breakfast tea with whole milk and sugar, and I will definitely be having a glass of vino later this evening

What color is your hairbrush? both of my round brushes have cork handles with black bristles.

What was the last thing you paid for? a cup of tomato basil soup

Where were you last night? at home, then Whole Foods, then home with husband and 2 friends watching Deal or No Deal and trying to figure out the banker's strategy

What color is your front door? a lovely blue that's not too bright

Where do you keep your change? in the cup holder of my car for meters, in a jar in our laundry room for coming out of pockets or scooping up of off counters and dressers, and in various bag bottoms

What’s the weather like today? gorgeous - sunny and 70. maybe all you new yorkers should think about moving to LA... I believe weather is my number 1 reason!!!

What’s the best ice-cream flavor? Depends on my mood. I always love mint chocolate chip, but if it's a day when I want "stuff" then I'm a sucker for Ben and Jerry's Phish Food or Everything But the Kitchen Sink. But when my husband makes his ice cream line, it will definitely be that because he has the best flavor ideas EVER.

What excites you? Figuring out what's next for me, upcoming weekends with great friends, cooking and wine, seeing theater or film or reading a book that makes me feel alive, traveling

Do you want to cut your hair? I just did a month ago from the middle of my back to a bob ala Katie Holmes-ish...

Are you over the age of 25? yes. very much so.

Do you talk a lot? yeah, but I'm learning the virtue of not.

Do you know anyone named Steven? I do - my uncle that passed away in the fall and my 2nd cousin that passed away a couple of years ago. Who knew that could be such a morbid question.

Do you make up your own words? Making up words is fantabulous.

Are you a jealous person? I try not to be but I am on occassion. Is there anyone out there that's never jealous?? If there is, can you PUH-LEASE email me or comment so I can know your secrets. I hate being jealous. HATE. I am jealous that you don't get jealous.

Who’s the first person on your received call list? Nancy Cho from my tale of a Brittney Hit and Run

What does the last text message you received say? "I meant sunday. We were going to drive from tuscon sat and either come straight to you or stay somewhere in between. But don't change any plans."

Do you chew on your straw? Never

Do you have curly hair? Yes, but I often wear it straight although it's quite cute curly with the new cut

Where’s the next place you’re going to? the gym if I make it before my dinner at a wine bar where I will be consuming aforementioned glass of vino

Who’s the rudest person in your life? wow. I don't think I can answer that.

What was the last thing you ate? tomato basil soup

Will you get married in the future? already am.

What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
I loved Juno but There Will Be Blood is a definitive must see as well

Is there anyone you like right now? Like? Like boy like or like people like? I like a lot of people...

When was the last time you did the dishes?
Sunday I think. Yeah...that sounds right.

Are you currently depressed?

Did you cry today?

Why did you answer and post this?
I read it on someone else's blog and liked it and they offered it up willingly to anyone who wanted to try...and I didn't feel like coming up with my own idea today.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 5:37 PM  


Kramer said... January 16, 2008 at 2:41 PM  

for the 2006 one you forgot to mention that you met me, the most important person in your life, and really in the world :)

Anonymous said... January 20, 2008 at 3:30 PM  

So i'm at home watching the patriots win AGAIN and reading your blog. I luv the response on the "what is the last call on your recieved call list?" Very happy to know I am still getting "press" off the article.

cheers!, "leaf" hehe

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