Happy New Year?

So far 2008 has not blown me away. And I had such high hopes. I'm feeling a minor version of the letdown that I felt post-wedding/honeymoon being back in Los Angeles after 10 days filled with family and friends and children's voices and relaxation. I'm back in an office in a town where no one can do their jobs because there's a strike that's nowhere close to resolution. Ironic - that word, at this time, in this scenario.

I am not one for New Year's Resolutions. I do not make them - haven't for years. If I want to do something, then I'm not going to wait for January 1 to decide that I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it right there and then. New Year's Resolutions always strike me as being made to be broken so what's the point anyhow. I'm curious to know if there's anyone out there that actually has a track record of making and keeping resolutions.

I've strayed. It's hard to be back at work when there's no actual work to do. It gives one pause and you wonder why you can't still be up in Santa Barbara or better yet, back east in New York?

Boy, do I have a one track mind.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 5:36 PM  


megabrooke said... January 3, 2008 at 6:45 PM  

Ha, I just wrote about not keeping resolutions today. I made a list of nonresolutions. Why not.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2008 filled with friends, family, laughter, and lots of those Starbucks drinks you like!

Brucenstan's Momma said... January 4, 2008 at 11:21 AM  

i like new years resolutions. however, i try to keep them simple and general... i look at it like a fresh start, after the craziness of the holidays, to get back to the basics of who i am; what i want. to bring things into focus. it's usually the feeling of... i've been wanting to do this for some time now, and just haven't made the effort. so its a kickstart if you will... a motivational thing.

i think how and why and if or when you try new things is always relative to the individual. if you chose to do it on your own, and follow through-- that's awesome! but sometimes it's helpful to kickstart yourself with the energy of the masses around you... it just feels a little easier there's a chorus of people joining your thought process, singing the same tune of COME ON! YOU CAN DO THIS!

i am going to make a real effort to do yoga. no more excuses, i always want to... and i don't do the research to find the place or i don't make the time or i don't want to spend the money. and i am deciding to fight those excuses and just do it, at least try it, so i don;t have that desire hanging over me anymore, not (at least) tapped into. so that is my resolution and i feel lucky that in my announcing it, when people ask or not, what my resolution is-- that i get helpful and motivational responses-- allowing me to better attain my goal, for instance... like you, this sunday, i can't wait!


Unknown said... January 4, 2008 at 12:31 PM  

um, my new years resi was to cut out sugar... lets just say i had waffles for breakfast on new years day.. and they were amazing. so no more resolutions for me...

Anonymous said... January 6, 2008 at 5:25 PM  

I just want to say... I think you are a brilliant writer
and a kind hearted love of a person and I am so happy I know you. I am signing this anonymously because I am sure a lot more people than I feel the same way... so you can think any of us said it. Happy New year - resolutions or not - you are a gem.

Anonymous said... January 7, 2008 at 7:05 AM  

Wow...I said the same exact thing about resolutions. We must be related. Happy New Year!

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