We do not remember days...

"We do not remember days, we remember moments." -- Cesare Pavase

I'm sure it's somewhat cliched to look back on the year on December 31st - so I'll be cliche. 2007 has been a gargantuan year. A bittersweet year. A life cycle year. A year of new beginnings and great endings. A year of moments.

Our wedding overlooking the mountains surrounded by love and light and everyone important in our lives.

The way the sun shone through the clouds on the day of my grandmother's funeral and the feeling of peace that I had with her death.

The news of several of my closest friends pregnancies - in Trader Joe's from Annie, in front of my house from Kelly, driving to work from Kate.

An Italian dinner at Frankie's that celebrated the women in my life.

Making my grandmother laugh in the hospital.

Sitting in Montalcino sucking up fat spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and garlic and olive oil with everything so fresh, you could practically taste the soil.

Days in LA where I missed New York so much that it actually hurt. And days where I was glad to be in the sunshine of Los Angeles instead of the cold and bleary days back east.

Days with friends that I never wanted to end.

So many moments - they run together. Some of them too wonderful for words and some of them too painful. It has been a year of wonderful new beginnings and difficult losses and painful lessons. And growth - it has most certainly been a year of growth. I have had a year of tremendous support from family and friends and a year where I've stopped realling knowing what the difference is between the two. It has been a year of getting to know myself in a way that I feel so much better for. So much stronger for. A year of learning to judge less and to understand more. A year of standing up for what I deserve. A year of saying goodbye to bad habits. A year of change.

When I think of 2007, and I think of that scene from Parenthood where the grandmother is talking about life being a rollercoaster with incredible ups and downs. That was 2007. A perfect swirl of colors and lights and sounds with the camera of my life just spinning and spinning.

But I must say, with the last month of 2007 has come tremendous peace and calm. And that's how I'll begin 2008. I wish all of you a year filled with dreams come true. A year filled with fantastic and beautiful moments.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 3:20 PM  


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