In Style

"They say nothing lasts forever. Dreams change. Trends come and go...But friendships never go out of style."

That, my friends, is the opening voice over from the trailer for the Sex and the City movie. And it couldn't have come at a more apropos time.

I decided to move to Los Angeles at the same time that Carrie Bradshaw moved to Paris. I was still living in New York when the finale aired but I was out in LA visiting my betrothed before he was that... I watched the entire episode with tears streaming down my face. It was the end of an era -- Sex and the City was ending and so was my time in New York. My life had often mirrored Carrie's sans the 50+ pairs of Manolos and Jimmy Choos. And yes, I'm aware that 1 million other women, New Yorker or otherwise, feel the same way. But I bet you'd be harder pressed to find as many people that faced the dilemma of moving away from their beloved city at the same exact time that Carrie did.

It was a double whammy - I felt like I was losing not one, but TWO of my closest friends.

So it's ironic that on the same day that I get to hear that fabulous voice over again that so often forecasted the goings on in my life, one of my best friends (shall we call her the Samantha to my Carrie?) is visiting Los Angeles. She's only been here for about 18 hours, but already, I feel more at home. I've been in Los Angeles for a little over three years - and in that time, I've not had nearly enough time with Sharon. And while so much has changed, some things have stayed the same. And our friendship is one of them. So yes - dreams DO change and trends absolutely come and go...but there are certain friendships that never, EVER go out of style.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 11:24 AM  


ajlounyinjurylaw said... June 7, 2011 at 9:02 AM  

My question is, how can you move out of a city like NYC?

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