Lighter with less

I've always wanted to be one of those completely self-motivated people. The ones who can just decide that they are going to do something and it gets done. It seems to me that for certain people there are never any excuses or overrides or not knowing how...ever. But that's not me and that's OK. I need a system or a regimen or guidelines of some sort.

About 2 months ago, I walked into Jamba juice after a yoga class and was looking through the books that you always look at while you wait for your Pomegranate Paradise but never actually buy. My eyes glazed over the normal selection about taking care of your body and eating wholesome foods. But then this book popped out at me - there was a white glow surrounding it and I swear - it floated off of the shelf and into my hands and led me up to the counter. That day I went home with my Pomegranate Paradise and a new book:Clear You Clutter with Feng Shui.

It took me a while to really get into the book. I was excited about the idea of it, but naturally, I decided that actually CLEARING my clutter couldn't happen until I'd read the book. What if I did it wrong? What if there was something more for me to learn? And if I didn't have time to sit down and read the book, how would I possibly be able to find the time to clear my clutter? See? No discipline.

But last week, on vacation, I finished the book (I even read some sections twice and if you happen to pick up this book, you'll see that it's small and maybe 125 pages - an outrageously easy read. So this "finishing of the book" was no great feat...I'm just good at making excuses.) And since I finished, I've been totally inspired. So I've gone on a rampage of the best possible kind. I'm getting rid of all the crap that's been sitting in my house, my life, for the past however many years untouched, unused, unworn. There are things that traveled 3000 miles across the country - from NY to LA, from my sublet to my apartment to my current home. They made the cut every time despite the fact that I hadn't used them in years. But no more. It's almost like I can see for the first time. I KNOW! It sounds totally dramatic but I'm telling you!!! All of a sudden I'm not screwing around - it's been easy. This stays, that second thoughts, no question.

Perhaps I just needed a few rules, a few guidelines to get me into a disciplined mode.
I feel like a mad woman - as soon as one drawer or shelf is done, I'm eagerly searching for the next one to go through. I'm on a mission. Because I feel AMAZING. It's like everything I get rid of gives me more energy, makes me feel happier. (I know my father is reading this thinking I've totally lost it, but I'm telling you -- it's TRUE!!!!) It leaves room for me to appreciate the things that I truly want to have. And the truth is, why should any of us have anything in our lives other than what we TRULY want to have? I'd rather have two things I loooooooooove with all my heart and soul than 20 that are just ok. Isn't that how it works anyhow? You wear the things you love ALL the time while the rest sit in your closet, and occasionally get a glimpse of the outside world because you feel like you "should" wear it. So I've decided that my home, my life, should only be filled with things I love.

Isn't that how it should be?

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:42 PM  


Brucenstan's Momma said... December 4, 2007 at 9:56 AM  

i know this feeling well... it's so very freeeeeeing to let things go, mostly because it seems so hard to do for so long... and then one day-- you know you've left that stage.

and also... to know that things are not people... even though i've held on to certain things as if they are! the memories are in the heart and head... not in the bowl that i never EVER use but have saved just because it was (insert name here)--

which makes me think-- ha!!!---of that recent OPRAH. the secret life of hoarders. did you SEE that story!?!? holy moleeeeeeeey.

xo xo xo

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