Strike this

I know that the Writer's Guild strike is merely news to many of my non-Angeleno counterparts. But here in LA, it's affecting everyone's day to day everything...The overall mood in Los Angeles is one of anxiety. There is tremendous unknown right now and I'm sure the prescriptions for Valium and Xanax at least doubled this past week.

Several people have asked me what the strike is about. I could break it down for you, but a blog called United Hollywood has done it way better than I ever could. Click here to understand and keep in mind this is from the writer's point of view.

When not picketing, my husband is making you tube videos that star my fabulous puppy, Thursday (among others...but she's the most important) Click below for some "strike"-ing entertainment. Wow. That was really bad...

But the thing that I'm really wondering as I have to drive through one of the milder picket lines every day is why can't this get worked out civilly? I'm sure many would say I'm naive - that if it could have, it would have. But I still wonder. The truth is - everyone fighting needs each other. The moguls would be nothing without the creativity of the writers. And the writers wouldn't have a commercial outlet if it weren't for the huge corporate conglomerates. (Sure, they can put on plays and create their own stuff...but they'd all be lying if they said they didn't care about the basics of health insurance and paychecks.) Everyone is so angry and people are lying and there are double standards going on all around.

All I'm saying is that it sucks. Plain and simply sucks.

Oh - and we ate at BLD last night. It was really good. It's actually gotten better than it used to be. And their fruit and nut bread that they serve with the cheese plate is amazing. They have a pretty amazing cheese plate. And I love cheese. LOVE. BLD was good. I like it. I approve. Over and out.

BLD, 7540 Beverly Blvd. 323-930-9744, open for breakfast (that's the B), lunch (that's the L) and get it...7 days a week.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:00 PM  


Brucenstan's Momma said... November 9, 2007 at 12:59 PM  

THANK YOU MEESH for posting the info about i have spent the last hour reading it, and i am planning in joining the line monday-- bringing snacks-- and am glad to know there is a place to go online to find out where to go to do so! thanks for the info...

;) s

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