
If I stay in LA, I've decided this is where I want to live. I'm totally in love with Brentwood. It's walkable and full of great little shops and feels neighborhoody. It feels urbanly suburban. Brentwood feels good. The air feels a little fresher. The houses are lovely. I'm feeling really into Brentwood.

I started the morning with a walk with an old friend. We walked through quiet streets by great houses all different in their architecture. Cactuses on some lawns and gorgeous flowers on others. I could sit and look at houses all day. I like to make up stories about who's inside and how it's decorated. I wish sometimes that I could go in because they rarely look the way you imagine. It's alway interesting when there's some kind of statue or sculpture that's totally out of place with what the rest of the house looks like.

Eventually we made our way to Starbucks. If both of us weren't on shopping diets (a term I sadly can't take credit for...all credit goes to Amy for that one) we could have stopped in every store along the way and we managed to drool over a few windows as it was. We enjoyed piping hot peppermint mochas (my favorite thing about this time of year. Yes. I'm serious) and wound through the farmer's market until we ended up back at her house. The best part of the whole thing was, of course, the company. Being with someone who knows exactly what to say, who can sympathize and empathize and understands you so completely - and similarly, feels that I can do the same for her...that was the best part. But I couldn't help but be enthralled with my surroundings as well.

It was just a fluke that as I got in my car to leave, I got a phone call from my husband saying that he was also in Brentwood. I think that as long as I have lived in LA, I have been to Brentwood with my husband a handful of times and all of them were at the home of the friend that I walked with. But here he was, on this Sunday afternoon, sitting with some friends in Brentwood at NY Bagel. (I can't review NY Bagel because I didn't eat, but I promise I'll go back and let you know if it lives up to it's name.) So I shot over to NY Bagel and spent an hour outside laughing with friends.

Next, we were off to the dog park where the aforementioned Thursday played with her best friend, puggle Sophie, and they both made a new friend in adorable 6 month-old Brody. If I were a better blogger, I would have had my camera - but alas, I am not. LOVED the Brentwood dog park - it was our first time there and now that it's a 20 minute drive from our house to the Laurel Canyon dog park, Brentwood's not that much further. I highly recommend for those of you that are dog owners.

I think I could spend more time in Brentwood. A lot more time. And I'm not making any grand statements, but when it's next time for us to move, I think perhaps we may start looking a little bit west. (Unless of course we look reaaaaaaaaaally far a neighborhood called the West Village. A girl can dream...can't she?)

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 3:30 PM  


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