new and unknown

Next week I go "home" for Thanksgiving. But not to my childhood my husband's parent's home. This is a first for me. The transition may be slightly easier because my parents have chosen to come to New York to be with us and with my sister. Still, it's hard. I'll miss not being in their house and doing our traditional Thanksgiving things. I'll miss seeing our extended family as I have every Thanksgiving for the past 32 years. I'll miss the annual trip to Saks the day after Thanksgiving with my mom - up at the crack of dawn to arrive at Saks by 8 AM to get the additional 40% off and beat the crowds for the best selection. I'll miss my father's fires. I'll miss seeing my childhood friends and reminiscing about high school, catching up on what's new, and talking about Kelly's new baby on the way. I'll miss my father's fantabulous breakfasts that wake me with their smell. It's one of my favorite times of year. There's something comforting in knowing exactly how things will be, exactly how things will go. It's hard to let go of some of your old traditions - even for just a year. It's hard to do something new. It's hard to give up "yours".

But I'm still looking forward to Thanksgiving. It is still Thanksgiving after all.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 3:19 PM  


Anonymous said... November 16, 2007 at 5:31 PM  

and you'll miss uncle darrells's turkey and we'll miss you.
thyink saks is the worst blow lol.
new traditions can be fun.
happy turkey day!!!
auntie maaaaaaaar

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