Random thoughts

I've now started (and not finished) three posts. My mind is in several other places and none of them are here, in Los Angeles, sitting in front of the computer. I'm scattered and I'm going to go with it...

Tomorrow morning I'll have to drive through a picket line. I'm not sure if the picketer's signs will say anything because, after all, they're not supposed to write.

I had far too much wine last night at a gluttonous dinner and woke up with a bit of a hangover. For a long time I felt upset that my body couldn't handle what it used to because it was a function of getting older. But now I feel grateful that my body is older...older and wiser. But I wouldn't have done anything differently last night - how do you turn down wine pairings with an outrageous nine course tasting menu - at a friend's HOME? You don't.

Village Pizza's not as good as it used to be.

I am sort of happy about daylight savings although it felt like it was 10 PM at 6 PM tonight. But I am looking forward to the sun coming up at 6 AM making it easier for me to get out of bed and get to my newly found spinning classes.

The pumpkin scones at Starbucks are really good.

This place should be called Lost Angeles.

I met some really cool people yesterday at lunch. Rachel is thinking of moving here from NYC...reminded me to take this blog back to my first year of ups and downs and searching and learning. Ryan lives in Chicago...he's writing a book. Do you know that Native Americans plan based on how it will effect the next 7 generations? Ryan is in urban planning and they use that theory. Pretty cool.

No one's life is exactly what it seems.

We all need to be a little gentler with each other. I find that the most judgmental people are being equally as judgmental of themselves. When you're upset with someone, communicate it to them. But don't freak out over every little thing...if someone is in your life and you love them and they love you, then chances are that more often than not, they would never intentionally hurt you. And remember that you have unintentionally hurt others in your life. None of us are perfect. Learn to forgive. Don't hold grudges.

I have heartburn.

I've been having some really crazy dreams...about my grandmother, my dog, my wedding bands, and forests. Not all together.

I'm absolutely exhausted. Tomorrow is a new day...a day where I have to drive through a picket line. Oy.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 7:47 PM  


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