Lessons & reflections from my 31st year

As I head into 32, some of the things I've learned, seen, and experienced in the last year - some for the first time and some all over again:

Life ebbs and flows and ebbs and flows and ebbs again. We'd all rather be in the flow, but we'd never recognize it's value or learn without the ebb.

Patience is a virtue. Rome wasn't built in a day. Keep going for it if you believe in it, if you're passionate about it. And if you can't tell, then start actually consider moving forward on to something new...if you miss it before you've left, then you'll know it's not time yet.

Live in the now before the now is the was.

Weddings bring out the best and the worst in people. You get to see people's true colors. Some of them are the most beautiful colors of the rainbow and others are murky, cloudy brown.

There are some days, some moments that will be the best of your life - surrounded by the people that you love the most and full of life and love. Treasure them. Be grateful when they are your moments and be present of how important and what a gift it is to be part of others moments.

No one ever dies in your heart or your memory.

You are never handed anything that you can't deal with. You are always strong enough to get through. Always.

Italy is a place of magic, love, spirit, and fantastic arugula.

Movies and TV can really screw you up. They aren't real life but we've seen so much that we sometimes think that's how it's all supposed to look or turn out. Real life is real life. And real life is good.

Compassion and the ability to forgive are two of the most important skills to have. We all make mistakes and we all inadvertently hurt people. Next time you're the one who's upset, just remember that you've mistakenly hurt someone's feelings too. And that goes for yourself too. Don't be so damn hard on you. You deserve compassion and forgiveness too. There are no mistake that can't be fixed with a little time and effort.

Champagne should not be saved for special occasions.

Listen with an open heart. And just listen while you are listening. Don't think about what you're going to say when the person is done talking. That's thinking - not listening. You'll say something a lot smarter when the other person is done if you really listen. I'm still working on this one.

Life's too short to live in "what if". If you want to, then do. It's also too short to live in regrets. What's done is done...now move forward.

Unless it's naturally that way, don't eat fat free. It tastes so much better when it's real.

Yoga is not an option for me...it's a necessity.

It's OK to not like certain people that you feel like you're supposed to like.

You can't please everyone all the time. The most important person to please is yourself.

I love my girlfriends. I love the relationships that I know I will have forever - that will ebb and flow and ebb again...but will always return back to the flow. Time spent with good girlfriends is always time well spent. It's imperative to my happiness.

Family is important. Communication in family is important. Forgiveness in family is important.

Sometimes it's really good to quiet down inside your own head.

Your road is your own.

Dancing is really good for your spirit.

I can't control much in life. No one can. And that's just the way it is.

Embrace your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses and be aware of who you are. The whole kit and caboodle.

Ice cream will always put a smile on your face.

Accept change. It's going to happen whether you like it or not - it will be a lot easier if you can acknowledge it it and look forward to a new part of the journey.

Make good, direct eye contact. It exudes confidence. If you're not feeling confident, fake it. Eventually it will feel natural.

My 31st year was full of ups and downs and laughter and tears and celebrations and losses and firsts and lasts. It was a big year. And I look forward to this 32nd year a little older and, I hope, a little wiser too.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:23 PM  


Anonymous said... November 9, 2007 at 5:38 PM  

It has been a year full of ups and downs, but the thing I love about you is that you live life like eating a lobster. You suck out every morsel and can't wait for the next succulent bite to enjoy.
Someone really wise made that analogy.
Auntie Marl

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