Where oh where is Fall?

Apparently my desire for fall wouldn't be met right now even if I did live on the east coast. Rumor has it that as of late, temps have been in the 80's - warm enough to warrant the air conditioning that is probably helping to cause those temps being that high in October in the first place.

I don't know if it's because I'm older and it's hard to be unaware of the affects that ignorance has had on our world, or if my fairly newly found eco-friendly awareness has to do with being in a city where I'm more in touch with nature and the outdoors, but in the past couple of years, it's become way important to me to go green in as many ways as possible. I wash my stuff in cold water, we don't have air conditioning, we bought a Prius, and we changed all our lightbulbs. (I list these things solely because they are quite truthfully, the bare minimum easy things to do for a greener world, and if you haven't done them yet, then start.) We bought cloth napkins and towels for the kitchen, I buy local produce, and I stopped using chemical heavy cleansers. (And people, Target has made this soooo easy for us with Method and Seventh Generation. And before you try to tell me that it's more expensive to live this way or that it doesn't get your house as clean, think about how nice it will be to have all that money in a clean house on an earth that's got more disease, more hurricanes, and fewer plants. And that's IF you're lucky enough to live in a place that doesn't erode away or fall into the ocean.)

On that note, I've found the perfect thing to help me continue to better myself and my lifestyle on a daily basis. Ideal Bite is like Daily Candy for the conscious consumer. It's got tips on everything from the most environmentally friendly way to wrap leftovers to better ways to take care of your body to inexpensive (and even free) ways to live a more eco-conscious life. There are daily "everywhere" tips as well as tips for NYC and San Francisco (don't worry LA, you and Chicago will start getting yours in Spring 2008.) Now you have all the info you need to start living a greener life delivered directly to your in box on a daily basis. I'm smitten.

And while I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that it's taken me this long to take care of this, I'm now off to make sure that we get rid of the Styrofoam cups in our kitchen at the office.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 3:17 PM  


Anonymous said... October 6, 2007 at 4:45 AM  

Sounds lovely - wish I could have joined you two! I had to post - there is place that sounds exactly like this in NYC - actually, I thought it was the same restaurant/owner. In reality, the NYC version is Tintol, not Tinto. NYCers should check it out - delicious! http://www.tintol.net/index2.htm

And, Meesh, next time you're here, we'll go to Tintol pre-theatre!

-- RT

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