The leaves are perfect

I got my perfect fall day. The leaves blew across the street in a perfect swirl and for a moment, I felt as though I were in a scene of a poignant, thought-evoking film. I stared out the car window at the trees - a brilliant collage of fiery reds and oranges and yellows. The grass was covered in crunchy browns and deeper jewel tones. The air was crisp - just chilled enough to give your cheeks a slight hint of pink but the shining sun smiled down upon us as though to say, "Don't worry kids. I'm here watching and I always will be."

There's something ironic about being in that perfect fall setting and hearing the sound of the shovel digging into the pile of dirt. Like nails on a chalkboard, it sends shivers down my spine. I hate that part the most...perhaps because you have to see the descent into the ground and there's absolutely no way that you can NOT come to terms with the loss you have experienced.

But I was glad to be reminded of the woman that you were. A bold, strong, compassionate, lover full of chutzpah. A true liver of life. You took lemons and made lemonade. And I was glad to have the opportunity to honor you with words that brought not only tears, but laughter as well. My father-in-law, who only got to meet you once, came up to me and said, "I'm sorry I didn't get to know your grandmother. She sounds like she was a truly phenomenal woman." And that is exactly what you were.

My aunt's students sent her condolence cards and we read them today as we sat and ate, the way that Jews do while they sit shiva. And they were truly prolific. One of her 7th graders wrote:

I am so sorry for your loss. Even the sky shed tears for your mother. But she will always be with you. Mothers always are.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

It really was a perfect fall day. They sent you off in style, Grammy - exactly the way you deserved.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 7:23 PM  


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