
It's hard to believe it's October. I feel like it was just mid-July and now we're full speed ahead into fall. Except it's hard to feel fall without the leaves changing color. I grew up in Massachusetts where people actually take trips just to see the leaves in the fall. Bright, fiery orange and deep, candy apple red. The perfect mix of yellow-ish green and, as they start to fall to the ground, crackly brown. For me, those are the colors that signify fall. And they're nowhere to be found out here in LA.

There are lots of colors - beautiful fuschia bougainvillea, bright green leafy trees, red pomegranates. I haven't been in LA long enough to know whether these colors come at certain times of year. I don't know if it's because I've been completely unobservant or if it's because they are there for most of the year...But it's not that Los Angeles isn't colorful. It's just not fall colorful.

No leaves changing, no apple picking, no hot apple cider. I've started wearing sweaters but it's just because I'm stubborn. The seasons allow me to rediscover and appreciate my wardrobe and I refuse to give up fall. There's nothing I love more than taking out my boots, my turtleneck sweaters, my lightweight jackets. I miss the first fire in the fireplace (and no, I didn't get that in NYC either...that's from my Massachusetts days). I miss the crisp fall air. And even though I'm no longer going "back to school", fall still signifies new beginnings of a sort.

But it just doesn't feel like fall. I miss the leaves.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 9:14 PM  


Anonymous said... October 3, 2007 at 6:32 AM  

The leaves miss you too :( Come home already!

Anonymous said... October 3, 2007 at 2:23 PM  

As you know I'm in the Poconos,PA,mountains galour, but there is nothing like a New England fall. The colors are the most vibrant I have ever seen, so like Jess said there here waiting, so come home already. I'll even throw in a red candy apple with a fresh crunchy apple from the orchard, to sweeten the deal. Auntie Maar

Brucenstan's Momma said... October 5, 2007 at 1:32 AM  

great minds think alike. back in the day (aka one month ago) when i had a myspace blog i wrote a whole thing about this, how we NEED a seasons change around here. especially if you are from the east coast and you are living in so cal-- it's easy to feel off when you don't get a cue from the outside world that the times, they are a-changing. that a cycle has passed, that a new season is here. anyway i agree with you wholeheartedly. tomorrow i am going to cleveland for a wedding. i am excited to see the fall leaves there, and of course my friends who are getting married. other than that, i never thought too much about cleveland. but... yeah! they have seasons!! and this excites me...

Anonymous said... October 5, 2007 at 6:20 AM  

Oy Peggy. Not to worry -- we don't have fall in NYC yet either. =(

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