Blogger's block

I have a headache. All across my forehead and seeping below my right eye. Staring at the computer screen can't be helping the situation. Closing my eyes just makes my head spin. The fluorescent lighting is undoubtedly doing me a disservice.

I read somewhere recently that getting a headache is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong - that you're dehydrated or hungry (neither of which pertain to me - I just ate a bowl of vanilla frozen yogurt with m&m's and I've had 3 bottles of water so far today) or tired or stressed or tense (completely and totally possible and I won't bore you with the list of reasons why...I'm sure we'll get to some of them another day.) This book said that you shouldn't take pills to cover up what your body is trying to tell you. Which makes a lot of sense in theory but not when you're sitting in an office for the next 3+ hours and the headache has now worked it's way down the right side of your face toward your jaw.

And I have blogger's block. So I'm going to take 2 Excedrin and call you in the morning.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:25 PM  


Unknown said... October 10, 2007 at 9:22 PM  

here's my new theory on meds. Meds are not a cure. and not taking meds helps a person to understand what their body is telling them. But once you understand it and know how to treat it (get out from under those lights!!) then you might as well take the meds to numb it til you correct the problem!

i too have been having a headache like the one you described - unfortunately mine is cuased by allergies and a deviated septum and i'm no nose 'roids and $100 antibiotics. nuts

Anonymous said... October 15, 2007 at 10:33 AM  

Duh -- brain freeze from the fro-yo. =)

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