32 Reasons Why I Like LA

1. The weather is great and on the occasional day that it's not, I don't have to walk in it...I just have to go from car to building to car. (Note to reader: car to building to car could also be on my list of reasons I don't like LA...uch! I've already swayed!!! back on track...)
2. Outdoor activities - endless hiking possibilities, biking, etc...
3. A home. A real live home with lots of light flooding in with a back patio and a front yard.
4. Farmer's markets and delicious fresh produce
5. Grocery shopping
6. The ability to get in a car and take a road trip to Mexico, San Diego, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, Arizona, Napa...etc. It's easy to get out to a lot of really beautiful places.
7. The beach, it's proximity, and the amount of days that you can use it.
8. For the first time in 11 years, I get to live in the same city as one of my childhood best friends.
9. It's a shorter trip to Asia, Hawaii, Australia and Bali than the east coast
10. The Mexican food is far superior
11. The sushi is pretty incredible too.
12. I've met a few great people that I'm so grateful to have in my life.
13. Target and Best Buy (they're hard to find in the city and even if you can - you don't have a car to get all your stuff home)
14. Lazy Sundays - I never learned that art in NYC.
15. Dinner parties
16. Exploring a new part of the country
17. YOGA!!! Yoga classes are definitely better in LA.
18. We found our puppy here - and the Mulholland Dog Park or Runyon Canyon beat any NYC dog park.
19. Palm trees.
20. The Beach Boys
21. I don't have my annual panic attack in the Times Square subway station because there are too many people and I'm screaming inside my own head for everyone to just move and let me get through to where I need to go.
22. I have a FANTASTIC therapist here.
23. Change is good...and Los Angeles has helped me to figure myself out, get out of my comfort zone.
24. It's an adventure that Matt and I get to share separate and apart from all the other people in our families...something different that we'll always have together.
25. Pinkberry. I know you New Yorker's don't like it but I say it beats chemically-tasting Tasty Delight ANY DAY.
26. The Arclight Cinema - you have to love a movie theater with assigned, comfy seats
27. The Golden Globes are on at 5 so I can actually stay awake for the entire thing (well...most of the time.)
28. Trader Joe's. I know there's one in NYC now...but there wasn't when I lived there and I freaking love this place...
29. Mani/pedis- They're cheaper and better.
30. My hairdresser, Robert, at Roman Salon.
31. Ikea with a car. No renting, no buses...pure ease.
32. My shoes are in MUCH better shape than they ever were in NYC.

Of course for every reason I've thought of here, I have 10 reasons why I love New York. But I suppose that's why I have this blog now, isn't it?

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:04 PM  


Anonymous said... October 31, 2007 at 7:02 PM  

can our lives get any weirder? i go to roman salon!

Anonymous said... November 1, 2007 at 10:43 AM  

You forgot one more thing.....

In and Out Burger!

My mouth is watering.

Meesh-elle my Belle said... November 1, 2007 at 11:25 AM  

SOOOOOO TRUE! very good one. when i do an addendum, that will be at the top of my list!

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