New Contacts (the phone number kind)

There's something remarkable about that moment when you enter a new number into your list of contacts. A mix of emotions - excited, happy, a little surprised (at least at my age) and a little nervous - all at the same time.

At 31, you meet a lot of new people, but you don't necessarily meet a lot of new people by whom you are stimulated enough to want to add their number to your phone. That you actually believe have potential to be a person that you will spend time with outside of the social setting in which you originally meet. At least for me.

I'm older. In the best possible way. I know what and who I like. I trust my instincts and my instincts tell me if I trust. And there's something perfectly magical about meeting a person that you just click with. It's just there. There's no forcing conversation, no figuring out what to talk about, no trying. You're just plain interested in learning about each other. And you feel like you're a little bit at home.

I haven't had the easiest time connecting with people in LA. And while at one point I blamed it on LA, I have to partially take responsibility for the fact that it's about me. As I slowly but surely meet more new and interesting and wonderful people that I am beginning to call my friends, I realize that as I have gotten older, I have become more discerning and more picky. I have
incredible friends. Truly amazing. I marvel at the people that I have in my life. I'm not interested in spending my time on something that 's not equal to what I already have.

So when the chemistry happens, I am elated. Truly. I get giddy like a child that I have found a new spirit to play with, to grow with, to learn from. It's definitely akin to a crush of sorts.

And the additional beauty is that in getting to know someone new, you have the opportunity to get to know yourself all over again too. You get to see how you show up in the world at that moment in time. And you get to learn new things from someone new.

I had high standards when I moved to LA. I would argue that I have the best friends in the world. And I feel good that three years later , I can look at the small group in LA that I truly call my friends and know that I'm finding the same inspiring, intelligent, passionate people here that I've found all my life. I'm learning to appreciate the discovery process and know that the right people show up exactly when you need them most. And they find their way into your contacts.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 4:46 PM  


Anonymous said... September 17, 2007 at 11:38 AM  

couldn't have said it better if i tried

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