
I love theatre. And I miss it terribly. (I grew up on theater hence my telling people we were moving to NY for my career when I was 13. And I worked in the theatre when I lived in NY.) Living in LA, I've managed to forget a little bit how much I love theatre. In NYC, it was a constant in my life. I was seeing 20-30 shows a year. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm lucky if I see 2 or 3 a year now that I live in LA. What I love about really great theater is that it leaves you feeling exhilarated, invigorated, impassioned.

Last night, my husband and I went to see an unbelievable show at the Kirk Douglas theater in Culver City. CLAY is the story of a suburban Jewish boy who turns to hip-hop and spoken word to escape his parent's divorce and his unhappiness at home.

I'm not really interested in reviewing the's not my job or my desire or my expertise. So I'll leave that to other people. I'll simply say that it's been a while since I've seen something that was so exciting. It's different, it's got passion, it's got rhythm. It's a mere hour and 20 minutes and it's in a terrific part of town with all sorts of great new restaurants. (We went to Fraiche after - I'll discuss another time. But I liked it A LOT.) And tickets are not expensive. Why blow 20 bucks at a bar when you can see a show that will inspire you? (Tickets range from $20-$40- still a great deal for a fabulous evening.)

I'm going to stop now. Because there's no need for me to sell it anymore. If you're smart (and if you're reading my blog, you are) then you'll go see Clay. Because we all need a little live stimulation every now and then.

Clay is at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in Culver City from September 13-October 14. Just go.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 4:14 PM  


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