Good Yontif

I'm going home to my parent's in Massachusetts for Yom Kippur. A quick 36 hour trip home. No, I'm not exaggerating. I wish I were. We get on a redeye at 11 PM tonight, arrive in Boston at 7 AM Saturday morning, get back on a plane at 7 PM Sunday night and arrive back at LAX at 11 PM Sunday night.

Math is not my strong suit, but I believe that's 48 hours total and 36 hours in Boston. Which means that 12 hours are spent in the air traveling. I have one single word for this.


But I haven't seen my grammy or my aunts and uncles or my cousins in 4 months. And it will probably be another 4 before I see them again. So I'm going and I'm going to soak everyone in and carry them back with me to Los Angeles to take me through until the next trip. And I guess this is what you do when you live 3000 miles across the country.

So good yontif to those of you to whom it applies...I'll be spending the plane ride thinking about my "sins" of the past year. As far as asking for forgiveness goes, I think that starts with me forgiving myself. Don't you think? I just started to launch into some thoughts about this but I think I was sounding like a rabbi giving a sermon - and I don't really have a lot of interest in sounding like that.

See you after my whirlwind weekend.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 10:34 AM  


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