Dance Dance Party Party

I feel that it is my social obligation to share the fabulousness that I experienced this past Sunday with the world or, at the very least, my readers. At 11:30 am, I arrived at Ography dance studio on Sunset for Dance Dance Party Party.

That's right. You say both words twice because, rest assured, it is absolutely that much fun.

Dance Dance Party Party (See? Isn't it fun to say?) is a weekly gathering of fabulous ladies who like to dance their little booties off (and honestly, after an hour of dancing like we did, I
literally think I danced my booty off). Queen bee Lauren Schnipper provides the play list which included everything from "Crazy in Love" to old school fave "Thriller" to musical theater staple "All That Jazz". (And yes, she'll gladly take requests.) She turns on the music and you just dance. With yourself, with each other, with the mirror...There were incarnations of 6th grade recital numbers. There were plenty of moves ala Molly Ringwald in "Breakfast Club". But most importantly, there was sweat, there were endorphins, and there was fabulously fun girl time.

The best news? This is not an LA only event! It was started in NYC and it's recently been brought to Chicago too! It was the best and most fun workout I can remember having in a loooong time. So do yourself a favor and get your ass to Dance Dance Party Party. Because, well, you can dance if you want to.

For more info:
Dance Dance Party Party LA
Dance Dance Party Party NY
Dance Dance Party Party Chicago

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 8:04 PM  


Anonymous said... September 12, 2007 at 9:03 AM  

As your equally fabulous, however slightly less "in-the-know" NYC counterpart, I would just like to say that you are totally my hero for knowing about this. I'm so checking this out NYC style. Astor Place and Lafayette Street better watch out, cause I'm bring my ladies with me..

Anonymous said... September 12, 2007 at 9:04 AM  

crap...I'm not anonymous..that was me...your lil' sis. Love you for doing this!

Glennis McMurray said... September 13, 2007 at 6:00 AM  

Hey thanks for the awesome shoutsies! We can wait for Jess to join us in NY!!


Glennis & Marcy

Unknown said... September 14, 2007 at 4:35 PM  

Love that u posted this :)
And so sad our dance team pic didn't turn out...

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