10 Days - Part 6
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
As we settled into the cab, I thought to myself, “What the HELL is wrong with me? I’m going to a hotel with a guy I’ve known for 3 weeks via email and have known in person for 5 hours?”
So instead, I decided it would be safer to take him tooooooo…MY APARTMENT?? I realized just how moronic this was as we lay on the couch kissing to the Buena Vista Social Club soundtrack at
“You have to go,” I said, meagerly attempting to pry myself away from his lips.
I thought about how proud my mother would be that I’d thought about this AFTER I let him into my apartment.
“I’m none of those things. However, I would kill my sisters if they ever did what you did tonight. Regardless, I’m here and I haven’t killed you. So just let me sleep on the couch.”
I don’t know if it was the sangria, the kissing, or the twinkle in his eye, but I gave in without any more of a fight. And no. He didn’t sleep on the couch.
I woke up the next morning at the very unreasonable hour of 8:30. I had a hair appointment and there was no canceling 2 weeks before your best friend gets married. I woke Burma Boy with a large glass of water and 2 Aleve. I only had to get my hair done. He had to drive back to
Even though I was already running late, I had him leave my apartment first. I didn't need the awkward walk down the street attempting to make conversation to ruin what had been a practically perfect evening. (Perfect would have included The Plaza.)
I left a few minutes later and let the brisk wind hit my face as I walked down 16th Street to take the subway uptown. I was shocked by the fact that I had finally met a fabulous boy who was now going to Asia for 6 months. And yet, I wasn't. Isn't this how it always happened? I felt just like Carrie when she met Burger. The butterflies were there for the guy who turned out to be anything but available. I felt confused. Why did this always happen to me? Why couldn't I feel this way about a boy in my own city who was actually available to me? I was certain I was never going to hear from him again.
I made my way to Bergdorf's to let John Barrett have his way with my hair. I needed someone to make me feel good. I was supposed to feel amazing after a night like the one I'd just had. I didn't. I felt stupid. Why had I bothered?Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 4:39 PM
Labels: 10 Days in Burma, past, writing exercise, yeah...i'm a little bit crazy
miss michelle! i demand that you finish this story soon and stop keeping us hanging!