10 Days - Part 7

I got home later that day to a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. The card read:

dear shell,
i had the most amazing time last nite and I hope the music doesn’t stop on this one.
kiss kiss.

It was official. I liked him. After smelling the roses about 50 million times and dancing around my apartment, elated that not ONLY was he NOT a serial killer, he also wasn’t an ASS, I sat down and wrote him the following email:

i have no idea when you'll get this as you said you won't be on email for a while. i'm hoping that was an excuse for me to give you my address so you could send me flowers...

i had an amazing night last night. thank you. let me know when you get settled far, far away. and i expect to receive sand from the beaches of thailand shortly...


The very next day, I got the following:


yeah, that was an excuse to get your address from you. sort of psychoish at the time, i know, but i didn't want to snoop around your apt. for mail...if you caught me that would have been even more psychoish and difficult to explain. At least the, "i won't have email" sort of made for a good story, yet made me look so desperate and hard-up for a good chick. i have to jump now, but i'll keep emailing and sending sand. Who knows, maybe you'll get so pumped up to laugh for 5 hrs straight that you'll want to come visit Hong Kong or something.

I'm there until early May, when i move over to Japan for school. I'm really a normal guy, so if it seems like i'm going way overboard (or ahead of myself) i'm not (even though I am) it is just when things spark, things spark; i guess we have to take from life what it gives us and maybe, some things, life expects us to follow-up. Well, we shall see what happens --and if things are still cool between now and say April or whenever -- and you want to travel a bit -- i would help pay for your flight out here (-- (i would pay for the whole thing, but I have a rule, i can't pay for airline tickets in full unless i have known that person for longer than 3 weeks and 7 secs, but the offer is out there). but like i said, i'm way in front of the train. Keep it in the back of your mind. get some sleep.

Ummmmmmmmmm. SERIOUSLY???? I stared at my computer. I closed my email and opened it again to see if it was still there. And every time, the email said the same thing. The whole thing wasn’t a drunken dream! The spark was mutual!! He wanted me to come to ASIA!

He wanted me to come to Asia?!?!??!!

He wanted me to come to Asia…I couldn’t help but start to ponder the idea.

We continued to email:

don't catch that hong kong pneumonia that everyone is dying from please. that would ruin everything.


I mean, SARS would truly ruin the relationship.

oh yeah, about me keeling over from the hong kong pneumonia thing...impossible...because it is in the cards that we were meant to die together (or at least after 80 years of hanging out)...

This was truly my life. I was actually getting these emails and not watching some chick flick where it was happening to someone else. It was me. It was happening to ME!! Not Carrie Bradshaw. MEEEEEEEEEEE.

It very quickly got to a point where I couldn’t think of anyone but Burma Boy. In fact, I didn’t do much else BUT think of Burma Boy. Day in, day out, I thought about Burma Boy. I couldn’t wait for his next email. And I couldn’t possibly think about DATING anyone else…what was I going to do? He was gone for SIX months…in ASIA!

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 5:36 PM  


megabrooke said... September 5, 2008 at 12:06 PM  

ahhh!! juicy juicy.

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