Ten Days in Burma - Part 5

I decided to cut my potential losses (in other words, loss of time, loss of dignity, loss of my mind from yet another horrifying blind date) by informing him that I had been sick the day before and I wouldn’t be having a crazy night of partying. It was the truth. And a perfect excuse for me to essentially say, “If you suck, I’m leaving after drinks…”

But he didn’t suck. In fact, he was adorable and charming and just as much fun as his emails. I walked in and picked him out immediately. He looked exactly like his picture. 1 point for Burma Boy. (Have you wondered at all yet why that’s his name btw???) And when I walked up, he recognized me right away, got a huge smile on his face and pulled out a book of short stories that he’d bought that day for me. 2 points for Burma Boy. We were at a Spanish restaurant and started at the bar with a pitcher of sangria. (It never crossed my mind that my judgment had been SEVERELY impaired by sangria during previous dates.) As Burma Boy sat and spoke Spanish with the bartender, I was pretty immediately taken with his smile and his oh-so sparkling eyes. Ladies and Gentleman, it was possible we had a winner. A winner who was leaving for Japan in 2 days.

We sat down to eat. It was one of those dinners that’s three hours long but feels like 20 minutes. My face hurt from smiling. We laughed and had more sangria which made me increasingly loud. He didn’t yell at me or get annoyed – he found it endearing and found adorable ways to let me know when I was possibly raising my voice a little (ok A LOT) above an acceptable “restaurant level.” We found that we knew some of the same people which undoubtedly made the fact that we’d met online seem a little less daunting. At the end of dinner, he asked if I would come out with him to go meet his friends. Sick? Who was sick?

As we stepped outside, the wind hit my face and the sangria hit my head. Not drunk, just a bit tipsy, and just tipsy enough…While we stood waiting for a cab, he kissed me, and I was soooo glad that I had decided to tell him that I was no longer dating Michael. WHO??

We ended up somewhere in the East Village where I met a few of his equally charming friends whom I had very little interest in, but who were very interested in me. I was inundated with questions: Who was I? Where did I come from? How did we meet? And that’s where my mutual friend lie began. No one needed to know that the mutual friend’s first name was J.

After 20 minutes at the bar, Burma Boy turned to me and said, “Let’s go get a room at the Plaza.”

I stared at him in total disbelief. Had I found a prince? Or a serial murderer?

He clearly read my expression because he quickly jumped in with, “No sex – it’s just my last night in NY. We might as well live it up. Right?” he asked, with that devilishly charming sparkle in his eyes.

Now up until this point, this had been a fairly normal, definitely good first date for me. Not saying that this date wasn’t good anymore – it just was anything but normal. I mean - The PLAZA?!?! THE PLLLLLLAZZZZZZZA!!! I contemplated for about 2 seconds before deciding that it sounded absolutely FABULOUS.

We hopped in a cab and told the driver to take us…TO THE PLAZA!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 11:16 AM  


megabrooke said... August 31, 2008 at 12:09 PM  

ahh! that first date sounds PERFECT. i love that he kissed you as you were waiting for the cab. i love that he wanted to spend his last night with YOU in NY (smart man!). yes i have been wondering why he's called "burma boy"... i cant wait to hear more!

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