This Post Will Make Your Mouth Water...and other random thoughts

I am going home to make a devil dog cake. I found the recipe this afternoon while half watching the horror that is 27 Dresses. Can someone...anyone...PUH-LEASE explain to me how on EARTH this movie got made. While you're at it, can you tell me how it was directed by a WOMAN??? Who probably made a LOT of money from directing a major motion picture that quite frankly SUCKED MY ASS. I mean...seriously...I'm all for the romantic comedy but seriously. HOW?

And while we're at it, can we discuss the Eva Longoria film that's coming out this weekend? I don't even need to see Over Her Dead Body to tell you it's the worst thing I've ever seen. It's the worst preview I've ever seen. I'm baffled and incensed.

Not really. It's just fun to say. What's MORE fun is perusing cooking magazines while watching aforementioned horror and finding the following recipes which I will be making over the neext few weeks:
Chocolate-Caramel Sandwich Cookies
Guinness Icecream with chocolate covered pretzels. I mean seriously. This one is GENIUS
Spaghetti with spinach, tomatoes, and goat cheese
Grilled cheese with onion jam, taleggio, and escarole
Brown butter and Peanut Brittle Icecream

aaaaaaand aforementioned Devil Dog Cake. I know. You want to come over for dinner. And also several desserts. Of course, none of these cover what I'll be cooking tomorrow evening with my friend Amy which is what I was looking for -, so I'll have to go home and do some further cookbook perusing.

Oh - and just in case anyone cares...I am in LOVE with this kitchen. I can't wait to have an island that everyone can sit around and drink wine whilst I cook and also drink wine. That might be my idea of heaven. Can you imagine that island spread with Bon Appetits and Food and Wines and Barefoot Contessa Cookbooks and me and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc on a Sunday afternoon? Divine.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 5:01 PM  


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