Some days

Some days the words come out just right but are heard all wrong.

Some days you feel like having a cocktail by noon.

Some days the tears sit quietly behind your eyes, begging for the perfect moment to stream down your cheeks.

Some days you question every decision you've made.

Some days you wish someone else would do it for you.

Some days you wish you were 5 again and had the whole world ahead of you. Or at least in your early 20's.

Some days you don't have to feel like you don't exist because there are people to tell you it's true.

Some days you just want to run away.

Some days you wish you could do things differently.

Some days you want to tell people to just. shut. up.

Some days you would like people to realize that they actually do NOT know everything - about the world or about you.

Some days you wish you could see into the future.

Some days you wish you could stay in bed eating cookies all day.

Some days you actually wouldn't mind being invisible.

Some days you wish you never got out of bed in the morning and you count the minutes until you can crawl into bed and turn out the light. And turn off your brain.

Some days you just want to end.

This was just one of those days.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 4:57 PM  


megabrooke said... February 13, 2008 at 6:58 PM  

Meeeeshhheelllle!! I loved this post. Wow, perhaps I came off as too excited for a post that isn't really so upbeat. But, I loved the rawness this post has in it. I hope you are having a better night.

And I just might need to steal this idea from you, if that's okay!

Meesh-elle my Belle said... February 13, 2008 at 10:20 PM  

thanks brookem. not too's actually really nice to hear. i am having a better night and you can absolutely steal this idea from me. i'd be honored.

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