Not quite ripe for posting

I've been a little inconsistent lately. You can take that to mean whatever you want.

It's not so much that I don't have anything to say as it is that I've got so many things and not a lot of time to sit and sort through them effectively. I've been up and down and back up again - sometimes in a single day. I'm having intense conversations - the kind that help you grow and see new perspectives. I'm learning new things about people in my life and about myself - some of them amazing, others I wouldn't mind not knowing. (The things, not the people, although occasionally I come across one of those too.)

I'm busy at work which means that my head is actually getting more creative but with less time to sort through it and get it on the page. I think once this week is over and I'm less jet lagged, I'll get back on track. But I'm finding myself enjoying where I am more and more these days rather than thinking about where I'll end up. I'm going to sit in this moment and enjoy it, allowing myself to take it all in and process before I spill it back out.

So for tonight, I'm continuing to mull - the day's events, the week's events, the year's events thus far - and I'm not going to comment on any of it quite yet. Because the thoughts aren't quite ripe. But when they are, I promise to give you something juicy.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 10:45 PM  


megabrooke said... February 21, 2008 at 9:56 AM  

You take all the time you need my dear. Of course, you'll be missed... but when you're good and ready, come back here and we'll be waiting for you!


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