Anyone out there??

Hellooooo? Are you there? It's me. Meesh. Yes. It's actually me. Writing an actual post.

I've been gone a long time. I mean, I know I've been around...poking my head in here and there in between Burma sagas. But really? I haven't written a whole lot since July. And there's actually a reason for that.

Which I'm not going to tell you.

KIDDING. I'm kidding.

Secrets are hard to keep. Whether they're of the "my life is falling apart and I don't want you to know" variety or "I'm so excited I'm going to explode but I can't tell you yet" variety. They both - in their own ways - leave you avoiding the people you love the most because there's not much else on your mind besides that secret.

"How are you?"

"Fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Not much to tell." when you really want to say:

"My life sucks. I'm miserable. Absolutely miserable. Pretty much everything has gone to hell. Crying has become my biggest extra curricular activity and I wish I could crawl in a hole and shrivel up."


"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Every thing's great. Just rolling along. Really terrific. Not much to tell." when what you really want to say is:


I'm pregnant. 19 weeks pregnant to be exact. I've been slowly going public over the past 7 weeks or so with some hitches in the middle (which I'll share along the way as I started to write while I was keeping this secret in so that I would have SOME sort of outlet.) I would have written about it sooner, but Burma was a way for me to be here and have a presence without having to try to figure out what the hell I was going to talk about when all I really wanted to say waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas, "I'M PREGNANT!!!"

At the beginning of all of this, I wished that I was blognonymous. But people I am related to, have known for years, work with read this blog. And therefore, I had to keep it a secret.

I promise this is not going to turn into a pregnancy blog. I don't promise that I'll never write about it but it won't be all that I write about either.

Aaaah. I feel relieved that I don't have to just say "I'm fine. Great. Couldn't be better" anymore...

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 2:00 PM  


megabrooke said... October 23, 2008 at 8:21 PM  

ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! now i know what to send in my next care package!

so excited and happy for you. that's such a big secret to keep! im thrilled for you and your husbie:)

nicole antoinette said... October 23, 2008 at 11:20 PM  

I'm so excited for you! Ah, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! I guess getting drinks is out now huh, haha?

But let's meet up! Soon! For real!

(so many exclamation points! pregnancy! babies!)


SleeplessInSeattle said... October 28, 2008 at 1:05 PM  

Ahhhhhhhhh congrats!! So exciting! I can't even imagine how hard it was to not post anything on your blog :)

Brucenstan's Momma said... October 29, 2008 at 12:57 AM  

heehee. just wanted to say that you should not consider promising that this will not turn into a pregnancy blog when some of us might be INTENSELY interested in what being pregnant is like-- from all angles ;) and it is your life and this is your blog so who's gonna get upset about that!? then again, i heard about this OTHA new blog called m*andthebelly that might satisfy some of my cravings. even if it's from the manly perspective.

OMGGGGGGGG I COULDN"T BE MORE EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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