The Return Post
Monday, July 7, 2008
I've been gone a long time.
I decided it was time to get my ass in gear and get back on here. As soon as I made that decision, I got so totally overwhelmed with the idea of writing that instead, I went to check out my blogging friends here and here because it seemed like it would be far easier to try and catch up on their lives than to start to get back in the swing of my own.
But that only last so long...and before I type in another blog address or go read that script staring at me, I decided I needed to type in this address.
I have so many things to discuss, but rather than try to do them all in one post, I think I'll give some highlights here and then choose whether or not I want to revisit any in the future or perhaps just move forward with what life hands me these days.
So for now:
TUSCANY. Is like a dream. This was my second time there in a little over a year and yes, I am aware that I am ridiculously lucky. We were there with my husband's whole family.

Tuscany is full of rolling hills and regal cypress trees. Bottles and bottles of wine and the freshest produce in the world. Winding back roads and signs pointing you in all sorts of directions. You go to Tuscany to get lost, not found. And that, perhaps, is my favorite thing of all.
BARCELONA. Is possibly my favorite European city that I've ever been in. It is rich with culture and color. It is vibrant and pulsing and ALIVE. I got the same high walking the streets of Barcelona that I do when I'm in NYC. Gaudi's architectural masterpieces pepper the city with beauty and Matt and I were both literally brought to tears by Parc Guell.

Every time I travel, I am inspired. Inspired to learn more about others, to learn more about myself. And while I try to subscribe to the school of no regrets and moving forward rather than looking back, I will always regret not studying or living abroad when I was younger. Matt and I are determined to expose our children to different cultures at young ages...perhaps to even go live overseas somewhere with them for a summer or a year. But I do envy the mobile. Those who have little tying them down, who seek out adventure and live in different worlds. I thought that's what I would do after my trip to Burma but then I quickly met a boy and while LA has definitely been an adventure and it's definitely a different's not quite what I had in mind.
I have so many thoughts coursing through my veins, exploding in my's just a matter of time before they all show up here. But for today, I bid you adios, buena sera, good bye.
Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 11:51 AM
It's good to have you back lady! Sounds like your trip was absolutely amazing! I'm so glad to hear you had such a great time... can't wait to hear more about it!
Gosh, I remember when I used to be able to speak Spanish. It's really, really too bad that I lost that skill. Oh, and I'm glad you're back :)
Believe me, I get the "I haven't blogged in so long- what the hell do I blog about" feeling.