Random musings from a jaunt to Starbucks

I grabbed a coffee before a meeting last night. Well, it was actually a tall nonfat extra hot decaf mocha and no, I can't say that or write it without laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. Clearly I was at Starbucks (not Coffee Bean because many of you know how i feel about that). So I'm waiting for my ridiculous cofee extravaganza and there's a book called "Beautiful Boy" sitting there as part of the whole Starbucks move to not only rule the world of coffee but also the world of entertainment. (And for the record, I do prefer the indie coffee establishments but every so often, I succumb to convenience.)

SO. I pick up this book, Beautiful Boy, which is a father's account of his son's struggles with meth addiction. I take a look at the inside flap and get sucked in. The book is an expansion of an article that Sheff wrote in the NY Times Magazine about how his "good kid" turned to a life of drug addiction and Sheff's OWN struggle with being addicted to saving his child. I'm already in and then I read this quote:

"Sheff's story is honest, reflective and deeply moving. Sadly, it is a story all too relevant for our troubled times. When one of us tells the truth, he makes it easier for all of us to open our hearts to our own pain and to that of others. That’s ultimately what Beautiful Boy is about: truth and healing." --Mary Pipher, Author of Writing to Change the World and Reviving Ophelia

I read it again. When one of us tells the truth, he makes it easier for all of us to open our hearts to our own pain and to that of others. I love this woman. I love this man for not being afraid to share himself so that others can feel less alone. I have been thinking about this since I read it last night.

Is it as true for all of you as it is for me? That at the end of the day, all I really want is to be surrounded by truth rather than smoke and mirrors and walls of perfection.

That's all.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 12:17 PM  


Hillary said... March 4, 2008 at 1:29 PM  

Ok but was it nonfat with whip or without?
I'm of the school of thought that if you're going nonfat it's got to be without whip.
My sister says that if you're going nonfat you can afford extra whip.

Meesh-elle my Belle said... March 5, 2008 at 11:19 AM  

always without...I'm with you!

nicole antoinette said... March 5, 2008 at 9:46 PM  

Sometimes the truth is so hard that it's easy to start with the smoke and mirrors. And once you start with it, it's easy to stay with it.

I know this is ramble-like, but I'm in a weird place tonight and this post really resonated with me.

Madame X said... March 9, 2008 at 12:06 PM  


i did a google search on 'scared of moving to l.a. from manhattan' - and your blog popped out.

there's a possibility i might leave my darling east village apartment for the city of angels and as i keep thinking about it, i get more and more scared - mannhattan is quite definitely my true love.

your blog helps - at least there are more of us mannhattanites out there!

keep writing :)

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