For the Love of Quiche

Alright - I have to take a break from my NYC recap to discuss the insanity that is otherwise known as me. Let me explain.

I'm having a brunch for my husband's birthday on Sunday at our house. I love entertaining. LOVE. I love having dinner parties, bridal showers, cocktail parties, brunch extravaganzas...I love it. I love planning the menus, planning the flowers, figuring out my schedule. And I'm good at it. I know this.

I'm also Jewish which means that the worst possible thing that could happen at any of the above events is that I run out of something. Food, alcohol, parking permits...everything must be in abundance which means that I end up making ridiculous amounts of food.

Mostly, however, I tend to panic over things that do not need panicking. I am an excellent cook. If the recipe is a good recipe, then it's always comes out well. I've gotten good at altering recipes to fit my own tastes as well. And baking, which is a science, is a natural for me since I am completely anal and I measure everything perfectly - a trait which can be annoying at other times in my life but comes in extremely handy in baking.

I love to try new recipes. Love. Especially when it's been tried by someone else that I trust - be it my good friend, Ina (aka The Barefoot Contessa), my mom, or one of the foodblogs that I've grown to trust and love.

So can someone PLEASE explain to me why I have my panties in a bunch over the idea of making a quiche crust? I am totally petrified. I am picturing any number of horrifying things happening. I simply can not fathom that I will be able to make this without royally screwing it up. I have considered the crustless quiche - but no. If I am going to make a quiche, I'm making the crust...because as Thomas Keller says, it's not a quiche without a crust.

I have now spent countless hours scouring the internet for "easy" quiche crust recipes. All of them terrify me. What if I don't get the consistency right? What if it's too dense, not dense enough? What if I roll it out to 1/3 of an inch instead of 1/4? What if, what if, what if...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME???

It's not like I'm going to freaking poison anyone. It's not like I'm not already making my very fabulous, constantly requested, tried and true breakfast bread pudding among other things that I am certain will leave everyone satisfied and delighted even if, for some reason, my quiches crash and burn.

Regardless, I have been obsessing ALL DAY over quiche. I go back and forth between "I have to have a crust" and "Screw Thomas Keller". I'm trying to find Julia's famed recipe online but alas, I may just have to get my ass to the bookstore to purchase a copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I have The Joy of Cooking at home and supposedly, that's a good recipe as well...BUT WHAT IF IT ISN'T? If only Ina had a quiche recipe!!!

Someone - anyone - please tell me if you have a quiche recipe you love, if you think a quiche is still a quiche without the crust. You're welcome to tell me that I'm a total lunatic - it's nothing I don't already know.

I just want to stop obsessing over freaking QUICHE!!!!

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 12:43 PM  


Hillary said... March 13, 2008 at 9:02 AM  

Do what I do - buy a frozen pie crust. I cannot be arsed with making pastry. I love to bake but I hate making pastry.

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