I heart New York

It's always hard to leave when there's no set date to come back. And the excruciatingly long plane ride back to LA doesn't help matters.

Then again, sometimes the universe (my universal go to expression for the explanation of that something somewhere that gives you the message you need exactly at the moment you need it...) hands you an attitude adjustment on a silver platter. Tonight that was an episode of "Sex and the City" followed by an announcement from the pilot that we'd be landing almost an entire hour early. And as if that weren't enough, tbs then announced yet ANOTHER "Sex and the City" episode to remind me that yes, I did have to leave NYC tonight. But I had four of the best days ever filled with the kind of conversations that satiate your desire for your closest friends, the kind of culinary delights that make you forget that the restaurants in LA can't possibly compare, theater that makes you pulse race and your mind reel and your eyes brim with tears, walks through the West Village with the boy I love reminiscent of the days we first met. There was no way I could fit it all in in 4 days...there were good friends I tried to see and couldn't and good friends that I didn't even tell I was there...but I sure as hell tried.

After all, when you've only got 81 hours in your favorite city in the world, there's no time for sleep. I can sleep now that I'm back in LA.
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Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 9:07 PM  


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