I was running around like a crazy person trying to set up these last minute meetings. I had just spoken with one of my favorite people at Agency X and he'd asked if we could make some last minute adjustments to the schedule of extremely important meetings. Assistant B was incompetent and/or unhelpful and he knew I was an executive now, but could I just help him figure this out given that it was so important? I adored this person and for him, I said of course I would try and that it shouldn't be an issue.

 I knocked on another exec's door to check in with him quickly. His assistant was nowhere to be found and I needed answers fast. Someone else answered the door and looked at me like I had 10 heads - as though I had interrupted a world peace summit rather than someone talking about some tv show. There were two other people in Exec's office who just stood there, staring at me in the doorway. Me, being...well...me, I poked my head deeper in to ask Exec my extremely quick and fairly important (as in, important in the world of television important) question. Exec was on the phone. Having anticipated this, I shot him a slip of paper with my yes or no question written on it. He read the paper, looked at me and frantically started mouthing things to me while making wild bird like gestures. I stared at him. I had absolutely NO idea what he was trying to tell me or what he was trying to gesture about.  I took one more look at him, decided I was making some executive decisions, left the office, made a phone call and rushed to...the yoga class that was taking place in the middle of the office. Everyone was getting onto their mats and several people started running up to me asking questions, acting as though we were about to perform major surgery instead of change a meeting. A couple people seemed to feel that, with these last minute changes happening, I couldn't have possibly done my job right to begin with. And then, right as the yoga class was beginning, Exec came out and sat next to me and started whisper-yelling things in my ear. And then another one on the other side started doing the same thing as well. And as the yoga instructor began to tell everyone to close their eyes and breathe deeply, I started to cry. Everyone else's chests rose and fell as they inhaled and exhaled. Mine just shook with tears. And like a great shot in a movie, the camera closed in on me and then rose about the room - everyone else a blur as my little body sat in the center, trying to understand what had gone wrong after years of running around like a crazy person trying to take care of every little thing that needed taking care of, tears silently streaming down my cheeks.

And then I woke up. 

I didn't fall back to sleep right away after that dream. I sat and thought about it for a minute.Up until the yoga class, everything about the dream had been totally real. And the berating that I took in the yoga class, while exaggerated, was pretty accurate as well. I thought about the way people handed out judgement like chocolate in that office. (And I don't know about your office, but there's a loooooooooot of chocolate flying around the one I used to work in.) I thought about the way things often turned into accusations rather than questions when people didn't understand things. I thought about how many people operated on fear, how often people were disgruntled, how panicked they were to make a mistake, how rarely it felt like people were truly working together. I haven't been there in 3 1/2 weeks. And I have to say, I'm feeling pretty great. I don't know what the dream meant, but it sure as hell made a lot of sense to me. 

Do things happen for a reason? I don't know the true answer to that. I know that personally, I believe that they do.  I believe there's something to be learned from every situation. I believe that something better is always there if you can just let yourself see it. 

Happy New Year. 2009 is going to be a fabulous year. I can just feel it. 

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 8:41 AM  


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