I thought for certain that I would be here on a daily basis now. But between the insane clutter clearing of my house, the daily pre-natal yoga and walks, third trimester mid-afternoon naps and the fifty million other things on my "do in the next 8 weeks" list, I have all but forgotten about the fact that I have a blog. 

Especially one that's called "Take Me Back to Manhattan". A year ago, I would have written in scrupulous detail about my almost 3 week trip back east (the first one I've had that was that long since I moved to LA four years ago.) I also would have written a lengthy post lamenting my return. But NYC was amazing and coming back to the 75 degree weather in LA was actually kind of nice too. And while I still stand by the fact that the food is better in NYC, the shopping is better in NYC, the ability to walk and take the subway and get everywhere and anywhere in 20 minutes (except for the annoying Upper East Side which I had to venture to once and was reminded why I never EVER go to the Upper East Side) is so amazing about NYC,  and the theater and culture are better in NYC, and I still have tons of great friends in NYC, the weather in the winter will ALWAYS be better in LA. And it's nice to go to the farmer's market. And have a kitchen big enough to cook in. And sometimes, it's even nice to drive a car.

Do I have to change the name of my blog now? 

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 6:00 PM  


nicole antoinette said... January 24, 2009 at 4:40 PM  

You could start a whole new blog! Wait, didn't we just talk about this??

ps- It was WONDERFUL to meet you last night :)

Brucenstan's Momma said... January 26, 2009 at 11:43 AM  

i don't think u should start a new one, per se, however i think it's great to be open to the fact that you are evolving, and changing the title doesn't mean you are changing the blog, really. maybe you are bicoastal, maybe you live on the bridge between two coasts and that's a neat place to be, always aware that you could walk to either side, set up "home" in either place, and make yourself comfortable, or feel uncomfortable. yet you are still always you. you aren't defined as one thing, as part of one place, but rather that you move, breathe, grow... and share as you do. with all of us who are lucky to know or "Read" you...


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