Today I feel hope for a new tomorrow. Today I feel a world with a little less hate, a little more acceptance. Today I feel a world where dreams can come true. Today I am proud to live in a country that believes in change. Today I feel proud to be an American - a feeling I've not felt in a really long time. Today I feel inspired. Today I feel a world filled with possibility.

Today I feel excited about the world we are bringing our child into.

But I am not blind to the irony that exists in a country that voted for change but is also voting to openly discriminate against same sex couples. In Florida, same sex couples can not marry. In Arizona, not only can they not marry, but they can no longer adopt children. And in California, Prop 8 passed by a narrow margin, overturning the decision that same sex couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

I can't help but feel I need an umbrella for my parade today. In the grand scheme of things, open-minded won. In the smaller scheme, discrimination was justified again and again. I supposed I simply need to look at it as the next hurdle in a country where we overcame a huge one. It's just hard to understand how any minority - be it women or blacks or any one else who had to fight for the right to anything - could sit back and deny someone else their rights. And these propositions didn't pass based solely on the votes of white men.

But. We did it. We looked forward to change, to something new, to hope. We did it once, we can do it again.

Yes we can.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 4:05 PM  


Brucenstan's Momma said... November 5, 2008 at 8:46 PM  

agreed. there was such a horrible damper here in california to know that prop 8 COULD pass. that in light of such hope and forward moving progression, there was such an ugly stain of backwards moving oppression. i feel stunned by this proposition getting passed. i don't understand it. nobody is getting hurt or being taxed or anything bad when two people who love each other get married. i just can't understand how someone could spend time and energy and MONEY so much money, on the preaching of hate. and to know that mormons funded much of this manipulative and horrifying campaign, as if they are the true representation of MARRAIGE (what!?!?!) just disgusts me. i feel so odd today about all this.

kind of like, two steps forward one step back... i don't know.

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