crosswalks and other things

I feel like ass today, so why I'm choosing to blog is sort of a mystery to me...but I feel like I've been neglectful as of late. This is partially due to the number of papers I have had to write for my interior design class. I just finished my third. After I finish an 8-10 page paper, I can tell you that the last thing I want to do is write some more. It's also partially due to the fact that in the pasta month, I have been away for 3 out of 5 weekends. In fact, since 2008 started, I have been gone for at least one weekend a month, often two. Most of the time for fun...but also most of the time including flying back east. So while the fun is fun...the flying...starts to take it's toll.

I was in NYC last weekend. It was totally overstimulating between the reason I was there (my grandmother's unveiling), seeing "Sunday in the Park with George" (to which I need to devote a whole entire post...), seeing "Sex and the City" in New York City (to which I will need to devote yet another post), and how upset with myself I got every single time I got to a cross walk and looked for the button to push to change the sign to walk. (For those of you not aware, this does not exist in NYC. This only exists in LA. I am a NEW YORKER!!!! AAAAAARGH!) I'm sure the last of that list is what has my brain feeling as though it's swimming in a sea of sludge right now. I'm sure it has nothing to do with taking a redeye in on Friday night and a 7 AM flight back on Monday morning. I'm sure it has nothing to do with not wanting to miss anything or anyone - so spending time with friends and family and seeing theater and rarely sleeping and overthinking the 3000 miles away that I am while yet another one of my closest friends gives birth. No, it's entirely about the crosswalks.

But then, I guess it is about the crosswalks. The crosswalks are a function of the rest of it...aren't they? The crosswalks are the reason I don't get nearly enough time with the people I love. The crosswalks are the reason that I'm not there for the babies. The crosswalks are the reason that I have more frequent flier miles than any person not flying for business should have.

Happy Wednesday. Let's hope that tomorrow my brain makes it way out of the sludge.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 12:27 PM  


megabrooke said... June 4, 2008 at 6:04 PM  

im confused about the crosswalks? is this a metaphor? am i an idiot?

sounds like you have been one busy lady lately! but you DID fit in SATC, TWICE! and that's something to be proud of. :)

oh, we have those "walk" buttons for the lights in boston! i thought it was everywhere?

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