This post brought to you by the grape Chardonnay

Why is it that we don't learn most of things we need to learn to help us through an experience until we've already been through that experience and sort some way or another...screwed it up. It's true. You learn lessons from...well...lessons. You learn from doing. From being. From living. But that means that the living produces heartache and feelings of failure and confusion. You ask yourself what if you'd known that before you were here, in this moment? You wonder why the epiphany comes after the moment when you needed it most.

Is this just how life works? As Alanis once said, "You live, you learn. You breathe, you learn." Is that just how it is? So you do it better next time?

Are we simply who we are, the better and wiser versions of ourselves, because we make mistakes, because we fall down? Sometimes I'd just like to walk without tripping.

How do some people do it right the first time? Do they remember from past lives or something?

All thoughts on an evening of perhaps a bit too much chardonnay.

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 10:35 PM  


Brucenstan's Momma said... April 23, 2008 at 1:00 PM  

i love when people quote alanis. first couple albums anyway. makes me feel part of a generation. soon i will be 29. i like it. i like your posts of late. alot. living learning and laughing/lamenting... together. i have to go now. but i can't wait to grape it up with you. xo xo xo

megabrooke said... April 23, 2008 at 1:33 PM  

Oh darlin, I love this post. And god help me, I just don't have the answer. I freakin wish I did, especially in light of my current circumstances with Mr.Match. Oh well. Another one bites the dust...

Essentially Me said... April 24, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

I'm pretty sure people who get it right the first time have LOTS of help. The rest of us? Well we just keep tripping along.

brandy said... May 12, 2008 at 10:30 AM  

Your first sentence? Yeah. I wonder that... oh I WONDER THAT ALL THE TIME. Sigh. IT's good to know I'm not alone.

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