Two Years

So it's 110 in the shade, my baby is getting her first 2 teeth, we're moving in 3 days and today I tripped over a bouncy chair, an activity jumper and a pacifier. Life is a little hectic right now. But it occurred to me when I opened my email and found that it was time to renew my domain name (aka the website name for those of you who aren't literate in the blogosphere) that I have been writing this blog for two whole years. And while I've been fairly neglectful as of late, I've gotten several random comments here and there that let me know that there are a bunch of you out there that are still reading. (Thank you, by the way. For not neglecting me just because I've become the most inconsistent blogger EVER.) 

When I got my latest email from a friend telling me that they enjoyed my last post (and sidenote - yes, I did add Adam Fletcher as a friend on Facebook. And sidenote 2, I am totally paranoid that Adam Fletcher is going to google himself and find my post...but such is life I suppose. And then are all of you that are my facebook friends going on to my page and checking out Adam Fletcher??? Anyhow...moving on.) As I was saying, when I got the latest email and then got my "domain renewal notice" I realized how much has changed since I started this blog 2 years ago. (besides the fact that I now have a FIVE MONTH OLD BABY. the hell did she get to be five months old already??? Tangent. Sorry.) 

In August 2007, I named this blog "Take Me Back to Manhattan". Need I say more? But while I'd like to be on the east coast a lot more than I have been lately, I can't say that every day I want to be taken back to Manhattan. I miss New York and the east coast and the people in it. And I'll always, always, ALWAYS consider myself a New Yorker. While I still find that LA can leave a bit to be desired in many departments, the weather sort of makes up for most of it. That, and not having to schlep a stroller up and down the subway stairs day in and day out. Have I (dare I say it) gotten used to LA?? Even grown to LIKE it? And do I perhaps consider it home? At least I do for the time being. (aka - still can't commit...) 

What's a good name for a blog about being bicoastal??

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 9:36 PM  


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