some morning thoughts before I eat my bagel smothered in cream cheese...

3 - The number of times I have left the oven on

1 - The number of time I have left the stove on (yes - I am aware there is a visible flame to remind you to turn it off...)
5 - The number of times I have lost my shopping cart in Target
1 - The number of times I never found it
1 - The number of times I forgot where I was supposed to be going
750 - The number of times I've forgotten what I was saying, what I was looking for or what I was doing

Pregnant brain is a real thing. I am ready for mine to be gone. Then I am sure that I will not remember anything for a while due to lack of sleep and total cluelessness as to how I am supposed to be raising a child.

We met with 2 more pediatricians. They were both totally normal and lovely and we are deciding between them. 

I woke up on Monday morning absolutely convinced that the baby was coming this week. Essentially, I turned into Paul Revere heralding the news on Monday morning to Matt that we needed to get EVERYTHING done IMMEDIATELY because "The baby is coming! The baby is coming!" 

The baby did not come. I must have had a dream or something...I don't know. But I'll tell you this much - everything is pretty much done! Shocker that I ran around like a crazy person and woke up yesterday morning feeling like crap. So now I'm sick and really round but at least everything is ready. 

That is, until the baby actually comes. Who the hell is EVER really ready for that? 

Posted byMeesh-elle my Belle at 7:48 AM  


nicole antoinette said... March 1, 2009 at 7:42 PM  

I'm just so excited for you!

"So now I'm sick and really round but at least everything is ready."

Aw. :)

Anonymous said... March 2, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

yay!! hurry little baby hurry!! so excited michelle! xo, tea

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